Well Water Chemical Feeder

How do I know what type of well water chemical feeder system I need?

There are many different types of chemical injection applications. The majority of situations for private home owners deal with sulfur, pH issues or iron bacteria. In some cases they also help treat for e-coli or coliform bacteria. Virtually all of these situations can use the same chemical feed pump.

Control Sulfur in Well Water

For sulfur you would add an average of 1 cup of Clorox to 15 gallons of water and inject it into the water line. The sulfur gas and the Clorox will neutralize each other so that you won’t get a reading on either one.

Control pH using soda ash

For pH problems that deal with acid water you would normally feed a mixture of water and soda ash. If the pH is really acidic (low) you may want to use caustic soda or switch to an acid neutralizer backwashing tank. It is usually a good idea to switch to a backwashing tank if your pH is 5.5 or lower. If your pH is below 5.0 you may want to consider a backwashing tank with two different medias inside. One to get it over 5.5 and the other to bring it the rest of the way.

Kill iron bacteria in well water

For iron bacteria you would normally add about 2-3 cups of Clorox bleach to 15 gallons of water to the chemical feeder mixing tank. And then run it through a Terminox iron filter

You can mix BOTH soda ash and Clorox if necessary in the same mixing tank.

Chemical Feeder Installation

INSTALLATION: You would normally install the chemical pump BEFORE the pressure tank and AFTER the well pump. If you want to add the chemical pump after the pressure tank you must add a FLOW SWITCH. The flow switch would tell the pump when the water is moving and turn the pump on to inject.

Look at our polluted water facts page that shows what kind of bacteria and chemicals that may be in your water including e.coli, lead, pesticides and nitrates.